About Ned

Education and Career

Since age 12, I have worked to earn my keep and improve our world.

I began mowing lawns in summertime Houston and will never forget the kind neighbors who brought encouragement and a glass of lemonade to me on those sweltering afternoons. I also learned ultimate responsibility as a lifeguard, honed sales skills in a sailboat shop, gained an appreciation for visual merchandising at Sears, and handled the risky jobs at a petrochemicals plant and steel fabrication shop. Each position - each task - was a building block for a successful career.

After receiving a BBA at SMU, a JD at South Texas College of Law, and a license to practice law from the Texas Bar, I decided to continue what was already a successful career in energy by 1992. Houston was reviving from the oil bust, and energy was again taking center stage.

Many great mentors coached me along the way as I navigated through pipeline regulations, energy trading / gas transportation and storage, legal assignments, mergers and acquisitions, federal and state regulatory advocacy, renewable energy development, and competitive retail electric and gas leadership.

On a side note, one passion Lauren and I share is restoring old homes. We completed our fourth restoration in McGregor, Texas in 2021 - a 1940 bungalow - and are now underway on a 1905 farmhouse in Burton.

Family first.

My wife, Lauren, and I have been blessed with 36 years of marriage and four terrific children. We grew up in Spring, Texas, but didn't begin dating until I had almost graduated from SMU. When not raising the kids, Lauren applies her talent as an accomplished decorator. Her work has been featured in books, magazines and newspapers over the years. She is the organizer that binds the family together!

Hayden led his siblings to BU, played baseball, and completed his geology degree. He landed a dream job with a small oil producer in Austin and has established himself there through hard work, focus, and skill.

Cody made business school look easy and wanted to remain in Waco after graduation. When he arrived his freshman year, he auditioned for and became lead guitarist for a growing church near Waco. He continues to contribute his gifts there today while leading the investments group of a local bank and trust. He assists the extended family with his knowledge of the stock market.

Becca graduated in 2021 in premed and began work for an area hospital in Austin. She works for a large technology company in sales and continues to have a passion for healthcare.

Bennett is attending Baylor now as a Hankamer Scholar and is majoring in finance and entrepreneurship. He earned a spot on the snare drum line with the Baylor Band and has a talent for composing and playing music.

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